What are College Graduates Looking for in their first Employer or Position?

March 9, 2022 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CDT

Please join Dr. Timothy Trainor, President of Mount St. Mary’s University, and Brigadier General (Retired), US Army as he addresses the myriad of issues employers need to know about what’s important in today’s world to college graduates.

Recruiting college graduates in today’s environment is among the greatest challenges facing MSCI member companies. Hear firsthand what young men and women today are looking for as they seek to enter the workforce. While companies have historically thought of themselves as being the interviewers, today they must also embrace a mindset of being the interviewed.

Dr. Trainor graduated from the United States Military Academy; received his MBA from the Fuqua School of Business at Duke; and his Doctorate in Industrial Engineering from North Carolina State University. Prior to serving in his present capacity, he was formerly Dean and Chief Academic Officer at the United States Military Academy in West Point, NY.


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