Supply Chain Digital Twins: Building Resiliency for the Next Black Swan Event

September 8, 2022 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT

Supply Chain Digital Twins: Building Resiliency for the Next Black Swan Event

COVID-19 exacerbated supply chain disruptions and underscored the need for better approaches to identify and mitigate risk. Fortunately, the digital twin has emerged over the last several years as a tool to improve supply chain risk management. Join this webinar to learn more about digital twins in the supply chain context and how they can be harnessed to prepare your business for future scenarios.

In addition to an overview of supply chain digital twins, this session will highlight a CARES Act-funded project led by MxD (Manufacturing times Digital) and its partners to develop an integrated platform that provides supply chain illumination, risk event identification, and risk mitigation. The Supply Chain Risk Alert (SCRA2) is a platform that offers visibility into a customer’s supply chain and the unknown or growing risks that may impact their operations. The platform captures n-tier supply chain network data and correlates it with supply chain risk events to provide users with increased visibility into who is in their supply chain and what growing risks may potentially impact their operations. SCRA2 adapts to current events and can help determine the best course of action for a given product.

The featured speaker for this webinar, Federico Sciammarella, serves as the President & CTO of MxD, where he is in charge of developing and implementing the technology vision for the institute. Federico was previously an associate professor at Northern Illinois University where he directed the Advanced Research in Materials and Manufacturing for more than 10 years which generated over $2.5 million dollars in funding and created a launch pad for many students and technologies in advanced manufacturing.



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