Negotiation Selling

September 18, 2019 - September 19, 2019 8:30 AM
MSCI Headquarters
4201 Euclid Ave
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 United States

Negotiation Selling is intended for experienced sales professionals who must sell value to justify price, terms and conditions. All selling is becoming negotiation-selling and the side better prepared ends up as the winner. So often salespeople “cave in” and succumb to the customer on price. The tendency is to quit selling during price discussions. Remember, what got us there we must continue to keep us there. Don’t stop selling! How good are you at communicating your sales story so the customer perceives value?

Salespeople are at a disadvantage. There’s been more purchasing seminars and negotiation workshops for buyers than for sellers. Indeed, if the customer said, “Beat this price and you got it!” most sales reps would discount to get or keep the order. Customers know this ahead of time so they use it to leverage price, terms and conditions which further erodes margins and profits. Salespeople need to quit playing the “blame game” and start selling without offering discounts, allowances and concessions!

Learn to protect your margins and profits! All negotiation should be a true collaboration between buyer and seller, reflecting a partnership relationship, so each and every time it ends up as a win/win. That means the customer doesn’t win twice! The seller must win too, in order to bring the value and satisfaction to the buyer based on the product and service offerings. It’s all about Pre-Call Planning and preparing your strategies ahead of time. Don’t get caught from a lack of preparation at the buyer’s expense! Continue to sell and negotiate your value-added services until the customer perceives value and you win too.

Experience these learning outcomes:

• Gain power and leverage with a proven selling process
• Understand the customer’s environment and how they use it to their advantage
• Counter buyer tactics/ploys with seller tactics
• Utilize leading edge negotiation-selling strategies to sell your deal
• Learn to sell value, not price to collaborate for a win/win outcome
• Negotiate to protect profits and sell your proposal
• Understand concession strategy and plan your throwaways that cost little and still provide value
• Offset the power and strength of customer buying teams with account selling teams
• Leave with your own custom DVD role play recorded and critiqued by your peers

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