Introduction to Outside Sales: Key Selling Skills for the Metals Industry

September 13, 2018 8:30 AM
MSCI Headquarters
4201 Euclid Ave
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 United States

This intensive one-day training program improves sales skills, from prospecting and planning to closing and follow-up. Students learn the importance of planning their strategy, from identifying qualified prospects to preparing their call plan. They discover how to use available resources and technology to maximize their coverage.

This course helps salespeople learn key skills that make them effective and strategic in today’s chaotic market.  Never has it been more important to maximize the return on investment in a face to face selling situation, and this course provides the clear roadmap and direction for rapidly advancing the sale toward success.

The key steps in making a value-added sales call form the heart of the course: opening the call showing purpose and value to the customer; advancing the sale by uncovering problems and needs; establishing value by using key benefits with competitive advantage; recognizing and overcoming important customer objections; and obtaining commitments that require specific action.

Actual Metal Industry case studies are used throughout the course, helping the student to quickly acquire the skills by keeping them in a familiar context.  Students graduate from the course with a clear roadmap to successful territory management.


This highly interactive workshop results in increased effectiveness, a shorter sales cycle, improved margins, and a better win ratio.

Topics included in this workshop are:

• Territory planning
• Prospects, information sources, and qualifications
• Developing a territory call plan
• Using resources and technology to leverage opportunities
• Setting value-added call objectives
• Opening a call with purpose and value
• Using key questions to uncover problems and needs
• Active listening techniques
• Creating a feature toolbox
• Selling value with a benefit/feature presentation
• Recognizing and overcoming key objections
• Closing to obtain key commitments


Workshop Introduction

• What is Territory Management?
• Challenges and opportunities of Territory Management
• Three keys to success

Planning in Territory Management

• The sales funnel
• Determining key prospects and qualifications
• The territory call plan
• Effective use of resources and technology
• Setting a value added call objective
• Case Study

Opening the Sales Call

• Establishing purpose
• Setting value
• Case study

Uncovering Problems and Needs

• Using open and closed questions effectively
• The directive statement
• Techniques of active listening
• Case study

Selling Value

• Establishing value
• Creating a personal toolbox with competitive advantage
• Presenting using a benefit/feature format
• Case Study

Recognizing and Handling Objections

• Skepticism
• Indifference
• Misunderstanding and drawback


• Summary
• Specific action request
• Agreement
• Case study

Workshop Conclusion

• Personal action steps
• Concept applications
• Group critique

Who Should Attend

New outside salespeople seeking a shorter learning curve to success, inside salespeople making the transition to outside sales, and Sales managers who want to model and reinforce the skills learned by their team. Participants should have a basic understanding of their products and services. It is helpful to have some knowledge of the competitive marketplace.

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