The Hidden Cause of Industrial Catastrophes

October 10, 2023 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT

The Hidden Cause of Industrial Catastrophes  

Tuesday, October 10, 11:00am – 12:00pm (CT)


Industrial catastrophes are rare events.  But when they do happen, people, property, and the environment can be harmed, sometimes horrifically, along with the business itself.  Do industrial catastrophes have a common cause and, if so, how that it be cost effectively prevented?

This seminar introduces recent research that identifies a common cause, labeled “fragility drift,” found in practically every industrial catastrophe. The session will define fragility drift and explain why it is different from occupational safety concerns, explain how it emerges, and discusses what operators, managers, and regulators can do to eliminate it.

Who should attend? While everyone can gain vital knowledge from this seminar, fragility drift is a strategic concern that is especially important to senior leaders and boards of directors.

Please join Jackson Nickerson, Emeritus Professor of Organization & Strategy at Washington University’s Olin Business School and long-time faculty member of MSCI’s proprietary Strategic Metals Management Program, at our August virtual leadership development session.

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