Recruitment and Retention: Addressing the Invisible Cost of Workforce Gaps – Free Webinar

June 21, 2018 1:00 PM

MSCI Free Webinar
Recruitment and Retention: Addressing the Invisible Cost of Workforce Gaps
Thursday, June 21, 2018
1:00-2:00 pm CDT
Webinar ID: 247-244-987

How much is your Talent Shortage costing you? Analyze how your workforce challenges are impacting the bottom line.

In the challenging talent marketplace, workforce constraints are likely one of the top limitations on your business. In this session, we will cover tactical approaches to relate workforce constraints directly to your bottom line by breaking down the workforce impact on throughput, cost, and quality. With this constraint quantified, we will be able to calculate the ROI of short term and long term approaches to solve workforce challenges.

Who Should Attend:
Human Resources Leaders, Operations Leaders and Executives

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